Dance Together
Dance Together
2019 1h 30minVer Dance Together Pelisflix Online Gratis
Ver Dance Together Online: Dance Together follows two teen girls brought together by a passionate need to express themselves. Holly, an injured dancer, and Alex, a shy girl who is Deaf, have a chance meeting that sparks a creative partnership. Alex introduces Holly to American Sign Language poetry and helps her gain the confidence to stand up to her bullies, while Holly helps Alex add a dancer's flair to her poetry routine that just might put her group over the top. Dance Together features original and licensed songs along with stunning choreography. Recuerda que ver Dance Together online es totalmente gratis en Pelisflix.¡Hola! Actualmente estás viendo la pelicula Dance Together. Recuerda que si tienes algún problema con la pelicula Dance Together, no dudes en informarlo en nuestra página de Facebook. En puedes ver peliculas online de forma gratuita y sin ningún tipo de restricción.
Director: Vince Gilligan
Género: Musical
Actores: Kira Murphy,Rae Rezwell,Logan Fabbro,Emilia McCarthy,Emily Stranges